Showing 1 - 25 of 69 Results
The Prison Life Of Marie Antoinette: And Her Children, The Dauphin, And The Duchess D'Angoul... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781165113309 List Price: $24.76
The Prison Life Of Marie Antoinette: And Her Children, The Dauphin, And The Duchess D'Angoul... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781165216307 List Price: $36.76
Memoir of Mrs Augustus Craven V1, Pauline de la Ferronnays : With Extracts from Her Diaries ... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781164194828 List Price: $27.16
Memoir of Mrs Augustus Craven V1, Pauline de la Ferronnays : With Extracts from Her Diaries ... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781164395928 List Price: $39.16
The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children; The Dauphin and the Duchesse D'angouleme by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781150613500 List Price: $19.31
A Memoir of Mrs. Augustus Craven V1, Pauline de La Ferronnays: With Extracts from Her Diarie... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9780548854884 List Price: $33.95
A Memoir of Mrs Augustus Craven V1, Pauline de la Ferronnays: With Extracts from Her Diaries... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781436659147 List Price: $48.95
The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette: And Her Children, the Dauphin, and the Duchess D'Angoul... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781437401936 List Price: $45.95
Elizabeth Eden. A Novel, Volume I by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781103386741 List Price: $25.99
Elizabeth Eden. A Novel, Volume I by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781103386703 List Price: $19.99
The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children, the Dauphin and the Duchesse D'angouleme by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781142599416 List Price: $31.75
The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children, the Dauphin and the Duchesse D'angouleme by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781150408465 List Price: $18.99
Memoir of Mrs. Urquhart by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781152407640 List Price: $26.81
Elizabeth Eden, a Novel by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781150343889 List Price: $18.42
The Prison Life Of Marie Antoinette: And Her Children, The Dauphin, And The Duchess D'Angoul... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781437314441 List Price: $30.95
Elizabeth Eden by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9780559283444 List Price: $30.75
Memoir of Mrs. Urquhart by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781290225847 List Price: $30.95
Memoir of Mrs Augustus Craven; with Extracts from Her Diaries and Correspondene by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781236326294 List Price: $25.23
Elizabeth Eden, a novel Volume 2 by Maria Catherine Bishop ISBN: 9781236665270 List Price: $14.14
Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children : The Dauphin and the Duchesse D'angouleme... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781278444451 List Price: $31.75
Memoir of Mrs Augustus Craven : With Extracts from Her Diaries and Correspondene Volume 1 by Bishop, M. C. (Maria Cather... ISBN: 9781290225762 List Price: $30.95
Memoir of Mrs Urquhart by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781178436150 List Price: $34.75
Madame Craven, Nee La Ferronnays: Sa Vie Et Ses Oeuvres, D'Apres Sa Correspondance Et Son Jo... by Maria Catherine Bishop ISBN: 9781287985990 List Price: $38.75
The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children, the Dauphin and the Duchesse D'angouleme by Maria Catherine Bishop ISBN: 9781298655141 List Price: $26.95
Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children, the Dauphin and the Duchesse d'Angouleme -... by Bishop, Maria Catherine ISBN: 9781294837237 List Price: $31.75
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